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The subway in Frankfurt consists of 86 stations utilizing nine lines. Each line has its own digital and color code: U1 (red), U2 (light green), U3 (violet), U4 (pink), U5 (green), U6 (blue), U7 (orange), U8 (purple) and U9 (yellow). Traditional subway trains cruise on the U1–U3 and U8–U9 lines. The U4–U7 ones are occupied by the rapid tram. The length of the subway system makes 65 km (app. 40 miles). Working hours: 4 AM – 2 AM. Note that the subway operates round the clock on the New Year's Eve.


The subway system is subdivided into several travel zones. This affects the ticket price. It costs 2.10 EUR in suburban areas and 2.75 EUR in downtown Frankfurt. However, the price starts at 4.90 EUR or more in some zones. If your journey covers less than 2 km in the downtown of the city, you can purchase a special ticket for 1.85 EUR. The eTicket RheinMain smart-card can be used to pay for the rides as well. You will be charged between 4.10 – 9.65 EUR for the daily travel pass. The weekly one costs 13.40-40.70 EUR. The monthly one – 45.60 – 138.40 EUR. 7.10 – 16.60 EUR will be charged for the family ticket (5 persons). The Frankfurt Card, valid for 1–2 days, is designed for tourists and costs between 10.50 and 32 EUR depending on the size of the tourist group. The Frankfurt Card offers unlimited rides in any means of public transport and a 50 % discount for visiting local tourist magnets, cafes and restaurants as well as for purchasing various tours.


The tickets are sold at TVMs, ticket desks and traffiQ kiosks as well as on the official website of the public transportation company. Weekly and monthly travel passes can be purchased in RMV stores. The TVMs accept cash and credit cards. There are no faregates in Frankfurt. The stations have ticket validating machines instead of the faregates. You must have your ticket activated before enjoying the ride. Otherwise, the ticket is invalid, and you will face a fine (60 EUR). Please mind that ticket inspectors can verify your ticket at the station and during your journey.