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The Stockholm Metro has 100 stations that are located on 3 branched lines: Gröna Linjen (green), Röda Linjen (red) and Blå Linjen (blue). There are 7 routes in total: T10 and T11 on the blue line, T13 and T14 on the red line, as well as T17, T18 and T19 on the green one. Total lines length amounts to 108 km. Working hours: from 5 a.m. till 1 a.m. on week days, and till 3 a.m. on weekends. Several stations have transfer points to/from other means of public transport and rapid transit train.


Fixed-rate tickets for one trip cost – 45 SEK . Moreover, a travel can be paid for with SL Access card. The price of card is 20 SEK, minimum charge amounts to 100 SEK. The travel costs less when paying with the card and is 32 SEK. Also, you can activate an unlimited travel for 24 hours for 130 SEK, 72 hours for 260 SEK and for 7 days for 335 SEK.

Prodej vstupenek

Tickets and cards are available in automatic ticketing machines or metro ticket offices, at ticket offices in some shops and SL Access centers. Most machines accept only credit cards. Ordinary single tickets are stamped by conductor at the turnstile, who sets the time of pass on a ticket. To enter a platform, ticket or SL Access card must be applied to a validator, placed on a turnstile.